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GOP Internal Poll: Ossoff Within Margin of Error Against Embattled GOP Sen. David Perdue

GA-SEN: Perdue 43%, Ossoff 41%

Perdue under mounting pressure over allegations of financial misconduct and shifting explanations

Atlanta, Ga. — Today, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that an internal GOP poll conducted for Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp shows U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-Ga.) in a dead heat with investigative journalist and media executive Jon Ossoff.

Support for Perdue stood at 43 percent to Ossoff’s 41 percent, well within the poll’s 4 percent margin of error.

Today’s poll, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, also finds Vice President Joe Biden at 47% and President Donald Trump at 46% in Georgia — also within the 4 percent margin of error.

This poll affirms that Georgia will be a tightly contested battleground state in 2020, with 16 Electoral College votes and two U.S. Senate contests, and that Ossoff is well positioned to unseat Perdue.

“Senator Perdue’s misconduct has gravely damaged his re-election prospects, while our campaign’s relentless focus on lowering health care costs, historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy, and anti-corruption reforms is winning broad support across Georgia,” said Ossoff.

“Instead of adequately preparing us for this pandemic, Senator Perdue downplayed the threat in public, praised President Trump’s incompetence, and traded medical stocks to enrich himself. Perdue sells access to his home for corporate PAC checks. After insisting for months outside advisers ‘always’ managed his finances, under scrutiny he’s now been forced to walk back that alibi. David Perdue is the poster boy of Washington corruption, and he will lose in November.”

Since launching his campaign in September, Ossoff has built massive momentum with support from key Georgia leaders like Congressman John Lewis, dominant fundraising powered by small-dollar grassroots supporters, and the development of a statewide volunteer network to drive massive turnout in November.

Senator Perdue has faced mounting pressure over allegations of personal financial misconduct after reporting by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution revealed he bought shares in a medical PPE manufacturer the same day as a closed Senate COVID-19 briefing in January, further traded vaccine shares and dumped casino stock before the market crash in February, and traded stocks at 300% his normal tempo while helping write the largest bailout in history in March.

After insisting for months that “outside” financial advisers “always” managed his finances, Perdue walked back that claim in a statement last week. 

And after similarly insisting for months he did not control his own portfolio, Perdue relented to mounting pressure last week and claimed he will now cease trading individual stocks — though he still refuses to place his assets in a blind trust.

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