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Sen. Perdue Has Consistently Opposed Direct Stimulus Checks, Ducked Ossoff’s Calls for Direct Relief to Georgians

Perdue “fought against” even the first round of stimulus checks, refuses to stand up for Georgians

Ossoff has continually pushed Perdue to stop his obstruction


Atlanta, Ga. — Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of the CARES Act, Senator David Perdue (R-Ga.) has “personally opposed,” “fought against,” and doubled down on his opposition to direct stimulus checks for Georgians. Perdue has said he “held [his] nose” to vote for coronavirus relief and led the charge to cut unemployment benefits for Georgians, all while attempting to profit off the pandemic with a series of shady stock trades

Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate Jon Ossoff has made rushing immediate financial relief to working families and small businesses a centerpiece of his campaign, and he has repeatedly called on Perdue to join him in supporting another round of stimulus checks for Georgians. 

Ossoff has remained squarely focused on championing the urgent need to deliver additional relief to Georgians as key pandemic assistance is set to expire in less than two weeks while Perdue has failed to deliver any economic relief since the spring. 

As Mitch McConnell said, Perdue has been “getting hammered” by Ossoff for opposing direct stimulus checks… 

In ads: 

David Perdue “fought against the $1200 stimulus check for workers and supported cutting our unemployment benefits.”

At events:

“David Perdue, the same Senator who was buying shares in manufacturers of vaccines and medical equipment when he learned about this pandemic, he fought against even the first round of stimulus checks for working families here in Georgia.”

“Perhaps right now you have the attention of your Senator. So why don’t you let David and Kelly know what we expect them to do: To take the lead and get out front and urge the United States Senate to pass direct economic relief for the American people right now.”

And in interviews: 

Ossoff to Senator Perdue: “Get on a plane to Washington and vote for $1200 stimulus checks for your constituents who are hurting right now, Senator.”

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