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If you have any questions, call the Voter Hotline: 888-730-5816


Learn more about voting.

Questions or issues voting?

Call the voter hotline: 888-730-5816

English extension 1, Español extension 2, 한국어 extension 3, हिन्दी/اردو extension 4, 中文 extension 5, Tiếng Việt extension 6

                   If you have a disability and need an accessible alternative,                         text the accessible Voter Textline: 833-566-1212

Track and return your absentee ballot

Didn’t receive your ballot? Vote in person on Tuesday, January 5th. You’ll be asked to sign a form, and then you’ll vote. Call the Voter Hotline at 888-730-5816 anytime for assistance or if you have questions.

Drop off your absentee ballot.

Return your ballot at any dropbox in your county. Find your neighborhood dropbox. 

Track your absentee ballot.

Once you’ve returned your absentee ballot, track its status. 

Vote on Election Day.

Election Day is January 5, 2021. This is your last day to vote. Polls are open 7AM – 7PM. Make sure you bring photo ID and a mask!

Make sure you’ve got your photo ID.

  • A Georgia Driver’s License, even if expired
  • Valid U.S. passport ID
  • Any valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including a free ID Card issued by your county registrar’s office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS)
  • Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U.S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state
  • Valid U.S. military photo ID
  • Valid tribal photo ID

Learn More >>>

Note: If this is your first time voting as a Georgia voter, you may need to bring proof of where you live. Bring a copy of your lease, a bank statement, or a utility bill to prove you live and are entitled to vote where you are voting. If you have any questions, call the hotline: 888-730-5816

Find Where to Vote

Find your polliing place or ballot dropoff location.

Frequently Asked Questions

Election Day is on Tuesday, January 5. Polls are open 7 AM – 7 PM

Check your polling place at Your polling place may have changed, even since the November election, so it’s important to double check!


Just yourself, your photo ID, and your mask!

Any of these IDs will work. If you have questions, call the Voter Hotline: 888-730-5816.

  • A Georgia Driver’s License, even if it’s expired
  • Valid U.S. passport ID
  • Any valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including a free ID Card issued by your county registrar’s office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) 
  • Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U.S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state
  • Valid U.S. military photo ID
  • Valid tribal photo ID
  • A student ID with photo from a public (but not private!) college, university, or technical college.

Remember that your voter registration card is NOT a proper ID, and you are not required to present it to vote.

Check out these resources!

  • or call/text 1-800-590-VOTE (statewide)
  • Uber is offering free roundtrip rides to polls or dropboxes with voucher code “VoteGA” on Election Day. You can also use this voucher link.
  • Call or text 1-800-590-VOTE or the New GA Project 1-800-874-1541. 
  • Georgia ADAPT provides accessible rides statewide for voters with disabilities. To request your ride, fill out this form.

It’s too late to mail it in. Instead, you should drop it off in an official dropbox in your county. Your ballot must be received by 7PM on Tuesday, January 5 — so the best way to be sure your ballot arrives in time is to use a dropbox. Dropboxes are convenient and contactless, and you can use any dropbox in the county in which you are registered. A few counties don’t have a drop box, but you can drop it at the county elections office before they close on Tuesday.


Once you’ve dropped off your ballot, or if you mailed it, you can track it online at Ballotrax to tell when it is received and accepted. 


We’re here to help! You can find more info on how to vote your absentee ballot — including helpful pictures – here. And if you have any questions, call the voter hotline at 888-730-5816.

→ HOTLINE: 888-730-5816

Vote in person on Tuesday, January 5! Find your polling place at Let the poll worker know that you want to cancel your absentee ballot. You’ll be asked to sign a form, and then you’ll vote. Call the Voter Hotline at 888-730-5816 anytime for assistance or if you have questions.

If you have any questions or run into issues voting, call the voter hotline: 888-730-5816

(English extension 1, Español extension 2, 한국어 extension 3, हिन्दी/اردو extension 4, 中文 extension 5, Tiếng Việt extension 6)

If you have a disability and need an accessible alternative to the voice-based hotline, text the accessible Voter Textline: 833-566-1212